EFT Script - Quantum jump from a hostile universe to a loving universe

EFT Script - Quantum jump from a hostile universe to a loving universe

Please read carefully:

You are welcome to share this script. All I ask is that you give proper credit to me by mentioning my name and website as I have put in a lot of effort into its creation. And when you’ve made the jump to the loving universe…grab someone else’s hand and help them jump too.

This EFT script has helped me tremendously to shift my fears and insecurities and I hope it does the same for you. Having said that, it is a script I wrote for myself keeping my own fears and desires in mind. If anything doesn’t resonate with you, feel free to replace it with what suits your needs. As I always say, don’t reject something if you’re a little triggered by the wording. Ask yourself why you’re triggered because the triggers won’t go away until you face them. Asking meaningful questions without shaming yourself (or others) is the biggest healing gift you can give to yourself.

This script is for people who already have a basic understanding of EFT points locations. Here’s the cheat sheet for this script. (If you don’t know EFT points, type EFT in YouTube and you’ll find many videos explaining the points and how it works. My personal favorite is Brad Yates and I highly recommend him. I’m not affiliated with him or his channel in any way, neither do I receive any money for recommending him)

1 = Karate chop point

2 = Inner Brows OR I personally tap third eye

3 = Outer side of eyes

4 = Under eyes/Above cheek bones

5 = Under Nose/Above Lips

6 = Chin

7 = Collar Bone

8 = Under arm

9 = Crown/top of the head

You’ll notice that the script jumps to 2 after 9, which is because I only tap on the karate chop point for the beginning and end. Remember to drink water after the tapping. I hope you love this script. 😊

1 - Even though I was born in a hostile universe, I choose to deeply & completely love, honor and accept myself. I acknowledge all the feelings that are coming up as I tap, all these feelings and emotions that I suppressed or felt shame about or didn’t even know existed. And even though I was taught to be guarded towards love, I choose to deeply & completely love, accept & respect myself. Even though the hostile universe was my comfort zone and I’m scared to open to love, I choose to deeply & completely love, respect & forgive myself and all parts of me.

2- Living in the hostile universe for so many years was scary.

3- It was so painful

4- I felt hurt, lost and confused

5- There was very little nourishment & love

6- It was lonely & terrifying. I was a baby. I was a child. I wanted to be held & loved
7- But I felt rejected over and over again

8- It made me feel unimportant & I learnt from a very young age that I’m on my own

9- As a child, I felt more mature than the grownups around me

2- I felt like I had to save them so I looked for ways to lighten the mood to avoid fights

3- It was a heavy burden to carry on my mind, emotions & soul

4- I learnt that no one will ever value me in life unless I kept sacrificing my own needs

5- I grew up in a universe where drama, trauma and pain were considered normal

6- There was so much comparison, jealousy & envy with the ones we claimed to love

7- So much toxic behavior normalized in the name of love & family

8- There was no peace and I felt powerless

9- I learnt that nothing & no-one was good enough specially me

2- There was so much fighting & gossip

3- And I felt like no one cared about the children or even each other

4- My inner child is so hurt

5- My inner child is still grieving

6- And now that I’m older, I know I can change this behavior & expectations

7- And I’m doing this for myself, not to prove a point to anyone else

8- Because I know that saving others is NOT MY JOB!!

9- I allow myself to release all my pain, disappointments and grief

2- All this pain

3- All this pain

4- All this trauma

5- All this trauma

6- All this trauma

7- All this grief

8- All this grief

9- All this grief

2- All this shame for not healing earlier

3- All this shame for following blindly & contributing to an unloving universe

4- All this regret

5- All the rejection I felt

6- All this anger

7- All this resentment

8- All this disappointment

9- All this fear

2- All this attachment to toxic patterns & behaviors

3- All this attachment to fears, secondary gains & limiting beliefs

4- I let it all go, I’m free and they’re free

5- I forgive myself for the past and I forgive all others because that’s the level of free I want to be & because I’m not responsible for others’ behaviors

6- Forgiveness doesn’t mean sacrificing boundaries and I know that

7- And now that I have let go of the past, I am ready for my quantum jump to a loving universe.

8- In my new universe, I’m welcomed with love and I exist in love

9- I know that the new universe is just a vibrational shift

2- But that shift changes everything and I’m ready to step out of my comfort zone

3- In fact, I’m excited about it (smile)

4- I’m hopeful & optimistic

5- My current reality is now bright, loving and in harmony with my soul’s desire

6- I choose to live in a loving universe

7- I choose to experience bliss & happiness in my daily life

8- I choose to be more than good enough

9- I choose to be the best at what I do

2- I choose to be appreciated and valued in all my relationships

3- I choose to be abundant & successful

4- I choose to experience unconditional love & acceptance

5- There is no need for me to be the savior anymore

6- I choose loving & harmonious relationships

7- I open my energy field to invite loving, balanced, stable & authentic people

8- I choose to be lucky

9- I choose to feel blessed

2- I choose to feel happy and peaceful

3- I choose to feel successful & stable in all areas of my life

4- I attract positive people & relationships in my life

5- And I choose to give respect, love and appreciation to them

6- I choose to live in a blissful universe now and I am so thankful.

7- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

8- I enjoy and value my new reality of enjoyment, love and harmony

9- I love & appreciate my new identity of a balanced, loving and successful person in mind, body and soul.

1- (Back to Karate chop point) I now live in a loving, abundant & balanced universe and I deeply & completely love, honor and accept myself. I expect to enjoy & receive amazing friendships, love, financial gains, good fortune, stability & success in my daily life easily & gracefully and I deeply & completely love, respect and appreciate myself. All my relationships are respectful, loving and balanced and I deeply & completely love, respect and value my relationships.

The End

Do this for 21 days

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